πŸ“… Thought for today:

β€˜It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.’

— Friedrich Nietzsche

#thoughtfortoday #marriage #anniversary #love #friendship #companionship #counselling

Today is our thirty-second wedding anniversary.

It is a source of amusement to our friends that every year we have two wedding anniversaries because we had two weddings – one in Dallas, Texas and the other in Manchester, England.

They were ten days apart and we had a honeymoon on the Caribbean island of Anguilla in between the two weddings.

According to tradition, the anniversary gift for this year is bronze, a fine, strong metal and one of my favourites – I love small bronzes and have a small collection, mostly a little old and battered as they have come from junk shops and markets.

We are planning a day out in Oxford visiting the Ashmolean Tokyo photography exhibition and a bit of lunch.

Two years ago we were in Tokyo, soaking up the glorious “otherness” you experience in big Japanese cities.

Then we have an artist date that involves painting pebbles – more on that another time!

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