📅 Thought for today:
‘We’re so busy watching out for what’s just ahead of us that we don’t take time to enjoy where we are.’
— Bill Watterson
#thoughtfortoday #daysout #trip #art #timeforme #tigger #calvin #calvinandhobbes
We all have to look after ourselves.
I may not work really long hours, but the hours are intense.
So I need to make sure I take time out.
I also worked to this point in my life to enjoy it.
So I’m having a day out, a one-day train trip.
I love a good train trip – this is three trains there and three trains back.
I’m off to see the new David Hockney exhibition (a year in Normandie) at Salts Mill in Saltaire.
Lots of reading and podcasts, staring out of the window, taking photographs and a bit of lunch.
Woot! I love an adventure, even if it is only one day!