Thought for today:
‘It is especially important to encourage unorthodox thinking when the situation is critical.’
— Boris Yeltsin
#thoughtfortoday #unorthodox #freethinking #unconventional #heretical #psychotherapist #coach
I just don’t get along with rigid or orthodox thinking.
Being constrained into the orthodoxy has never suited me.
I’ve lived a life that has always tried to break away from the norm, from expectation.
And now that I am doing some teaching, I am delighted to have a client who embraces this.
I recently started working with a new client, a global company, yet not a vast corporation.
It encourages the radical, non-conformist approach and seeks to innovate.
I can’t tell you how refreshing this is.
Trying to keep things the same, avoiding change or disruption, only works in stable industries operating in a stable business environment.
If we learned anything in the past 12 months, it will be that stability is an illusion.
So, I get to encourage a group of people to think outside the traditional, to be unorthodox.
And I can’t tell you how happy this makes me!