📅 Thought for today:
‘The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfilment of that hope never entirely removes.’
— Thomas Hardy
‘Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer – and often the supreme disappointment.’
— Ansel Adams
‘Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists unless laughter could be said to remedy anything.’
— Kurt Vonnegut
#thoughtfortoday #hope #disappointment #landscape #photography #learning #improving
A conversation with a client recently made me think about how our hopes can also contain disappointment, just as love can lead to pain. Neither has to be true yet the potential exists.
This line of thought made me think about my own hopes, what disappointment they may lead to, and how I would cope with that.
I am known by my clients for reframing events in a positive light – looking for the learning, or the space to try something new.
The way to let go of, or use, the disappointment.
This in turn made me look for a suitable quote about disappointment and I found three – not to explain disappointment (as if), just to illuminate different facets of it.
Ansel Adams is my favourite landscape photographer and has been for thirty-odd years, and in the context of conversations with James Shaw, I included his quote.
As a photographer, we use disappointment to spur us on the better things and to help us learn and improve constantly. Just like life really.

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