📅 Thought for today:

‘Perhaps scientists will eventually discover that we are all clockwork bunnies, and our experience of volition is an electro-chemical illusion.’

— Lionel Shriver

#thoughtfortoday #clockwork #fluff #psychotherapy #coaching #mechanism #love

I have come to think that my work is to help my clients remove the “fluff” in their mechanism, their own personal clockwork.

A small piece of fluff can have a detrimental effect on a clock.

Especially the delicately balanced escape wheel which controls the transfer of energy from the mainspring to the movement.

People pick up bits of mental fluff along their journey and sometimes are not aware of it.

It gets in our “works” and diminishes our energy, our rhythm, and the regularity of our mental mechanism.

I help my clients find this mental fluff and pick it out, carefully, without upsetting the other components.

They do this themselves and feel a great sense of agency in doing so.

Sometimes they surprise themselves, I love that moment when they realise they are back to running smoothly, and they did this themselves.

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