📅 Thought for today:

‘In my experience, psychotherapy at its best is like dual meditation – it’s like a container in which you can be compassionate and mindful toward yourself.’

— Jack Kornfield

#thoughtfortoday #psychotherapy #meditation #compassion #mindful

As the clamour for world mental health day dies down as quickly as it appeared, life goes on.

As a therapist, I most often work with clients who have an issue, have experienced trauma, feel upset or feel they cannot cope with what is happening to them right now.

However, I also have a small number of clients I work with to prepare them for life’s lumps and bumps.

Yes, therapy can be every bit a preventative process as any other form of self-care and support.

What I see and experience with my clients, I also get to explore in myself.

I don’t “tell” my clients what to think or do, I only get to do that for myself.

Yet, just like clients, it can be hard to see your own situation objectively.

One client breakthrough in recent days gave me insight into a situation of my own. Not the same as the client, not even as keenly felt as the client, yet the process of reflecting with the client also helped me reflect.

I have met Jack Kornfield and I can hear his voice when I read this quotation. It is very calming and compassionate, just I would like to think I will be to someone one day.

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