Thought for today:

‘I will not be a common man because it is my right to be an uncommon man. I will stir the smooth sands of monotony.’

— Peter O’Toole

#thoughtfortoday #common #uncommon #monotony #ambition #psychotherapy #coaching #entrepreneur

“Stirring the smooth sands of monotony…” has a very lyrical feel to it.

In fact, this was from one of Peter O’Toole’s poems.

I was thinking of him because I found a book tucked away that a friend recommended several years ago.

I bought it but didn’t read it (I have a few of those).

It is called “Hellraisers: The Life and Inebriated Times of Burton, Harris, O’Toole and Reed.”

You can just imagine what those four got up to in their day.

I was planning to use an Oliver Reed quote, yet I found that most of them had not aged well.

And some would be too offensive now even though they were reported with glee in earlier times.

I reflected that this was for the best and that we must improve and move on.

I just hope that somehow we can keep sight of the value of an uncommon man or woman.

If you count yourself as uncommon, then I’ll raise a glass to you.

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