Thought for today:

‘There are three states of legality in Irish law: there’s all this stuff which comes under “That’s grand” and then moves into “Ah now, don’t push it” and finally comes under “Right, you’re taking the piss” and that’s when the police come in.’

— Dara O’Briain

#thoughtfortoday #Irish #StPatricksDay #legality #dontpushit #psychotherapy #coaching #mentoring #entrepreneur

Lá Fhéile Pádraig.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day.

I fondly recall celebrating this day at The Dubliner in Washington DC, my favourite pub and regular haunt.

This is a time when it seems everyone in America is Irish, the beer goes green and a large party ensues.

It is of course a religious festival, not that you would know it from some of the celebrations.

Naturally my thoughts today are tinged with green, and thinking about what Ireland means to me.

It is a remarkable country, with a remarkable history, yet I feel like there is something else.

Something about that Celtic influence on the character of the people.

I find it hard to put in words – maybe it is a mix of charm, cheek, adventure and mysticism.

To my many Irish friends, the Irish institutions I have worked for, and Kevin & Rob in particular.

I wish you a Happy St. Patrick’s Day.



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