Thought for today:
‘It’s a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life.’
— Paulo Coelho
#thoughtfortoday #relaxing #interstice #mindfulness #life #decisions
We are in the interstice between Christmas and New Year.
A time to relax, reflect, and enjoy the freedom of unstructured time.
Today I have no plans, things will just be.
It is a Sunday, sunny and bright after Storm Bella blew through last night.
And snow is forecast for tomorrow, my childlike excitement barely disguised.
I know that sometime next week I will be back to work.
And an important decision looms.
For now it can wait, pushed out of mind, as I write words, read, play games, and watch movies.
In an effort to clear the hard drive on our satellite box we’re playing movie roulette.
There were 20 movies “saved” on the box, and I happen to have a twenty-sided die.
You can guess the rest I’m sure.
Tomorrow is official Boxing Day – will we notice I wonder?